Josh Cohen Interview: From USL Standout to Europa League Contender

cover photo belongs to Reuven Cohen

Josh Cohen is an American goalkeeper for Israeli Premier League club Maccabi Haifa. After graduating from UC San Diego as a D2 All-American, he spent five years in the USL with OC Blues, Phoenix Rising, and Sacramento Republic, where he was a finalist for USL Goalkeeper of the Year. Cohen’s play is reminiscent of MLS goalkeeping from the turn of the century, focusing on maintaining balance, strong handling, and patient footwork in tight situations. Cohen left Sacramento last summer to join Maccabi Haifa, who are currently on track to return to the Europa League behind the American goalkeeper’s standout performances. In twenty-one league games, Cohen has twelve shutouts to help put Maccabi second in the table.

How’s Israel been treating you?

It’s been good! It all happened really quick but I’m definitely settled in here now.

I was trying to do a little research but I was curious about how quick the move transpired.

Yeah, so from when I first heard there might be a chance of it until being on the plane, it was less than a week.

Oh wow! From what I read, it seemed Sacramento was really supportive of the move. I guess they helped usher that along?

Sacramento didn’t want me to go in the middle of the season but they understood, once I talked to them and explained where my head was at and that I saw this as a big move upward for myself and my career. They were cooperative in making that happen. The driving factor, timeline-wise, was actually on this end, from Maccabi Haifa, because they had Europa League qualification matches and really wanted to get me rostered before a match that was basically a week and a half out. So that was the big accelerator on the timeline.

I talked to Joe Lennarz [with Ascension Athletes] a little bit and he said you had gotten called in for an MLS preseason but for whatever reason it didn’t click. Was there any sort of “**** you MLS” mentality driving you overseas?

For me, it was more of the opportunity and it was the right opportunity. In terms of MLS, I definitely felt like I had been overlooked at times. I had gotten invited in [2014] at the last minute. Philadelphia had invited four goalkeepers into their camp but their fourth goalkeeper backed out and went to another team. But it definitely was them just bringing me in to be an extra body as a fourth goalkeeper. They had already had three goalkeepers signed or in negotiations and I don’t think I was MLS-quality or ready for the level at the time. I had only played D2 in college, never played semi-pro or PDL or anything and really was pretty unaware of what the soccer world was like beyond college.

Was there anything specific that you were told like, “Hey this is why you’re not going to make it at the next level?”

Yeah, I was never the biggest kid growing up. I never played state ODP, let alone regional or national. A part of that was because basically there was me at 5’3” and two kids, same birth year, at 5’10”, 5’11”. And similar things for college, I definitely had a D1 coach tell me, “Look, we think you’re talented but we like our goalkeepers to be above 6’0”. We don’t know if you’ll grow a little bit but we don’t know if you’ll be there.”

I wasn’t recruited at all going into college. I ended up choosing my school because of academic reasons. I ended up getting into [UC San Diego] and did a winter tryout and had gotten invited into preseason with the university team. But I wasn’t actively recruited or had much contact with the coaches before I applied to the school.

That is wild to hear that, knowing you went on to be a D2 All-American. Did you surprise yourself with your talent at any level or were you always confident of what you could do? How did you go about matching your confidence with your talent level?

The first time I realized I could play beyond college was after my junior season. I had a really strong junior season. We ended up just missing out on the tournament that year but individually I had a very good year. We had a great defensive team. And I thought, “Okay, I did pretty well. If I have a really strong senior season, maybe there might be something there afterwards.” But it was never something that I thought could realistically happen or really make a career out of it. 

When I was younger, an elementary school teacher asked, “What do you want to do when you grow up?” I said, “Pro soccer player,” of course. That’s the dream. But from after the age of 12, maybe 13 onwards, I’ve always been a realist and I never thought it’d be a real possibility. I really liked what I was studying academically. I like tinkering with things, building things. So I was very confident that when I started working, I would work as an engineer in one capacity or another.

What was the reasoning behind, I’m trying to word this correctly to make it sound like I’m not insulting you *laughs*

No, say it anyways. *laughs*

It’s just fascinating to me that you went from not really focusing on being a pro to ending up where you are now. What was the reason behind thinking “I might not be a pro”? Was it looking at the talent level and thinking, “I don’t know if I’m there yet” or was it the lack of the exposure?

It was just something I never really thought of myself as a player who could go on to that level. I’m not sure if you knew this, but growing up I played for Santa Clara Sporting in the Bay Area. On my club team was current national team player, Sebastian Lletget. He was kind of the golden standard of the player who’s going to be successful and who’s going to go on and have a pro career. And there were other players on my team who were in the regional ODP or national ODP player pool. I bought into the feedback that said I would get the visibility that other players were getting but I didn’t get any and I never saw or got any of that. So I think a little bit of that reflected backwards into my own perception of my own potential future.

So fast forward here, when the move to Maccabi Haifa came up, what was the big motivational factor of making that happen? Or was it just “this is the next step for me”.

It was an extremely intimidating move, but the biggest factor was I had been overlooked at the MLS level. I had a really solid year with Phoenix [in 2017] and really didn’t get any looks or any serious looks from MLS teams after that. With Sacramento, I know they saw a future in me, but the timeline of them moving up to MLS was a couple years out. So I looked at the opportunity and saw it as a new challenge. If I came here [to Maccabi Haifa] and I was able to find success, it would put me on a whole new level than as a USL goalkeeper. It would give me a lot of exposure and potential for European play. I didn’t really know too much about the culture here. I had seen a little bit. I had heard a little bit. I knew that they were much more European-like in terms of the club, the fan culture, the competition. I didn’t realize this at the time, but looking back, I had gotten a little bit complacent in USL.

Do you think that came from the lack of exposure or the lack of connection from MLS?

No, I think it was that I didn’t have to be as focused or as good to be successful, or good enough. It was a slow creep where, if I wasn’t performing 100% at training, it didn’t matter because I could get away with performing at 90 or 95 percent.

I assume, pretty early on after the move with Maccabi Haifa, you realized “Oh there’s a little more pressure on me now”? Or was that a slow realization?

There were a couple different things. So when I first came here, I went on a run. This was one of my first days here, before I finished signing my paperwork because I wasn’t allowed to train yet. I was just going on a run around town. A car kind of pulls over on the road right next to me and someone leans out the window and says, “Are you Josh Cohen, the goalkeeper?” *laughs* And that was kind of the moment I realized, “Okay, it’s different here.”

What did he say? I guess he congratulated you or was it negative?

Yeah, yeah, he said “Welcome.” I think that might have been my second day here? And that was kind of the first indication. And when I started training with the team, there were little things. If I was slightly out of position or a fraction of a second slow, the players would catch me on it and they would punish me for those little mistakes and I hadn’t really been punished prior.

My goalkeeper coach here, he’s a character and very knowledgeable, but extremely demanding and has a very, very low tolerance for mistakes. If you make one mistake he’s going to be yelling and everyone knows you made a mistake.

Was there something that you felt like came up more than once or was it a lot of little things, as far as mistakes went?

A lot of little things, all rooted in the same issue. I think part of it was because of the move and new environment. I was playing very tense. I was locked up, very aggressive, when, in a lot of times, it’s best to be casual, loose, free-flowing until the exact moment when you need to be set and reactive.

Yeah, it’s funny, working with youth goalkeepers here in Memphis, trying to figure out which ones are overthinking and which ones aren’t thinking enough, because it’s a very specific problem. The ones overthinking get too distracted and they’re behind the play, but the ones under-thinking are still behind the play, but it’s for an entirely different reason. I guess the new environment and the move had you a little more tense?

Yeah, I think it was partly that and also partly that, in my experience as a goalkeeper in the US, a lot of the training is quick movement. It’s very “rah-rah-rah, do this, now do that” and see how quickly you can get between the two. With the training here, he really emphasizes “be quick in the moment, but very casual between moments.” So in an exercise, we’ll be doing everything on a good pace. I’ll be moving, alert, keeping my vision up so I can see multiple things going on, and then timing myself for when I get set for a shot on one side. Then if there’s a shot on the other side or from another area, not rushing to that second spot and making sure I get there in the right time. Whereas in the US, it’s “Get there quick, get there set!” even if it’s early.

I see a lot of stuff online with Instagram goalkeeper coaches where, first of all, the equipment they're using is a slew of ridiculous. You know, hula-hoops are involved. I saw one guy on a hoverboard at one point, catching volleys. But a lot of it is really quick reps at different angles. One might be a soccer ball and the next, a tennis ball, then it’s a frisbee. I was talking with one coach and he said he wanted to do a session one time, to kind of counteract all that, where there were 90 minutes of just passing the ball around and then somewhere there’d be one shot. And I was like, “you know, that’s kind of ridiculous, but I kind of love it.”

*laughs* But that’s how the game is!

Yeah absolutely.

It’s why Alisson is such a good goalkeeper for Liverpool. I forget who they were playing a month ago, but 85th minute, he makes a fantastic save after not touching the ball with his hands for the entire game. It’s one of the hardest things to do.

Yeah, you can have all these reps in training and you’ll do a four save-sequence but how often are you doing that in your career? It’s so rare.

Being with Maccabi Haifa, do you feel like you’re comparing yourself to more goalkeepers now as you’ve reached a new level in your career?

No, no, I’m definitely, well... I don’t know if “comparing” is the right word but I’m definitely watching and more aware of the level comparisons between different leagues and different teams. I watch some of the Champions League games. I watch some of the Premier League games. I’m still trying to learn but what I’m looking at in the goalkeepers is different from what I was looking at before. I’m looking at the very fine details, not necessarily from the perspective of “Oh I should do that” but from the perspective of “That’s how this goalkeeper does that but this other goalkeeper does it slightly different. Which way might work better for me?”

What’s an example of something you’re looking for?

Yeah, so Neuer. The way he approaches 1v1 type situations is very different from Lloris. Neuer is a much more aggressive keeper and Lloris is the most patient keeper playing at the highest level right now, in terms of willingness to hold his ground and stay in a position far longer than you’d mentally feel comfortable with. It’s extremely impressive. And given my body type, my assets as a goalkeeper, I’m more in the Lloris camp. I need to hold my ground a little bit more, stay with the right body language, you know, shoulders forward, and trust myself that I can react and force the shooter into a decision rather than me making the decision by being so aggressive.

Are those minute differences something you were taught in the US? Or is that something you’re just now recognizing for yourself?

I’ve definitely had little things pointed out but in terms of going on my own of watching games as a scholar instead of a fan, that’s completely new. And it’s something I wish I had been doing a long time ago.

This is backtracking a little bit, but a lot of people compliment Sacramento on their fan culture and support. So I’m curious how a fairly rabid fanbase in the US compares to Maccabi Haifa.

The fanbase in Sacramento is fantastic. They love the team. They’re extremely supportive of the team. But the fan base here, at Maccabi Haifa, you can compare it with the top clubs in Europe, in terms of the culture and how the supporters act. I don’t think you can compare any fanbase in the US, whether Sacramento or even Atlanta, with the mentality that the fans have here. I’ll try to give an example. So in Sacramento, they love us players. They’re extremely friendly with us. Super supportive of the team but also the individual players. They’re really friendly and supportive whether win, loss, or draw. Here, we’ve won games and fans are whistling because they’re pissed off we didn’t play well. You have ten thousand people whistling and hissing after you won 1-0. But it’s because they realize we could have been much better and could have won that game four or five-zero had we actually played well.

That’s wild.

Yeah, it’s different. I have a teammate here who has literally been stopped on the street by a fan who was mad at him for wearing a yellow t-shirt on an off day. *laughs*

That’s a color of a rival club, right?

Yeah, yellow is two of our rivals. That’s what the fan culture is here. They absolutely love the club, love the team. They'd literally fight for the club and that is above all else.

I don’t know if “culture shock” is the right phrase but that sounds like a big change. Is that something that’s been intimidating at all?

It’s been a little intimidating. I’m still getting used to it. In terms of the environment in games and training, I’m used to that and it wasn’t too big of a difference because there’s always that barrier of “I’m on the field, they’re outside.” So you can kind of tune it out and focus on the game. There isn’t too big of a difference between 10,000 fans and 30,000 fans, from that perspective.

But the off-the-field is something I’m still not used to. Here, every player on the team is literally famous. We had a little mini-training camp down in Eilat, which is the southernmost city in Israel, right on the Red Sea. It’s about a six-hour drive from Haifa. And any time any of us left the hotel, people would be coming up asking for photos and trying to talk to us.

You’re at an interesting intersection with your career right now where you have so many possible paths going forward, with MLS, staying in Israel, or moving in Europe. Is there something you’re leaning towards with the next few years?

It’s something that I’ve learned that I always need to be thinking about it, as things can come up quickly. It’s the European way. For me, I’ve been fortunate that I could finish my college education and I have my degree and that I’ll be happy with my career after football. And so I’ve been able to see where I can go, above all else. I still have that mindset where the ultimate goal is to make it to the highest level and the highest league possible and for me, that’d ideally be somewhere in central Europe. The big four is very difficult but if the opportunity came up, I’d have to take it immediately and see what I could do.

The Best Matches By a US National Goalkeeper

Cover photo by NY Daily News

Meola, Scurry, Friedel, Keller, Solo, Howard. You know the names now you can watch the games. Here are the most important matches by American goalkeepers on the international stage, including both the senior and youth national teams. Criteria for the list included a goalkeeper’s overall impact, the match, the historical relevance, and the stage the match was played on.


Setting: 1999 World Cup Final. The US had finished a respectable third in 1995 but weren't willing to accept anything less than winning the 1999 tournament.

Why it's great: There isn’t a more iconic save in American soccer history. While it’s true that Scurry had very little to do in the match prior to the save, and the referees were extremely generous with the goalkeepers leaving their line early, it’s impossible to overstate the impact of this one save as it laid the foundation for countless factors on the women’s soccer scene.


Setting: 2002 World Cup. The US and South Korea are both coming off big wins in their first game (3-2 over Portugal and 2-0 over Poland, respectively). Going into their second game, either team could secure their bid to the knockout stage with win.

Why it's great: Friedel did more than his fair share to help earn the point for the US. If they lose this game they don't escape group stage and the storied run to the quarterfinals washes away. There's a penalty save, which Friedel would later finish the tournament with a total of two penalty saves, and three shots saved from within ten yards. It’s arguably Friedel’s best performance with the national team and the stage doesn’t get much bigger for the USMNT.


Setting: After a narrow 3-2 win, where the US came back from behind twice in the match, the Americans face Brazil in the semifinals.

Why it's great: Coach Tony DiCicco summed it up well, “Briana just took over.” The final would go on to overshadow Scurry’s semifinal performance but Scurry prevents multiple goals in the 2-0 win for the US. Displaying impressive extension dives and shutting down crosses into the box, Scurry was performing on another level when compared to her peers.


Setting: 1998 Gold Cup. Brazil, CONMEBOL's representative and tournament invitee, had struggled in the group stage but advanced to the the semifinals of the tournament to meet the US. The US had never beaten Brazil at this point (and hasn't since).

Why it's great: While Brazil wasn't playing their best going into the game (they had previously tied both Jamaica and Guatemala in the group stage), Keller ends up making ten saves and shocks Brazil's striker Romário so much that he congratulates Keller during the game. Later Romário would go on to say, “That is the best performance by a goalkeeper I have ever seen." While failing Brazilian strikers aren’t the best litmus test for gauging goalkeepers, it’s not a bad start either.


Setting: 1950 World Cup. The US lost their opener 3-1 to Spain, giving up all thee goals in the last ten minutes. Facing the best team in the world, the US had a tall task ahead of them in the second of two group stage games.

Why it's great: While the US would struggle to close out either of it’s two other group stage matches, Borghi’s performance is the lone bright spot for Americans on the international stage for over 50 years, as the US would not return to the World Cup until 1990. Additionally, it’s the only American goalkeeper performance that’s been the subject of a full-length feature film.


Setting: Naeher wasn’t utilized much in the first five matches for the US’s 2019 World Cup run and while everyone expected a close match, it was largely assumed the team’s pressing would remove most responsibility for Naeher.

Why it's great: Despite being overlooked by many, Naeher provided two clutch saves in a surprisingly close match, including a long-distance shot destined for the top corner and an untimely penalty. It wasn’t the most active night for Naeher but she reminded everyone why she is more than capable to replace Hope Solo.


Setting: 2014 World Cup Knockout Stage. The US slipped through the supposed Group of Death only to face Belgium in the round of 16.

Why it's great: Despite not being able to pull out the win, it was because of Howard that the US was able stay in contention for so long, losing 2-1 in extra time. Howard tallied sixteen saves in total, a World Cup record. Howard’s performance would reach national fame, including receiving a call from President Obama.


Bob Thomas/Popperfoto/Getty Images

Bob Thomas/Popperfoto/Getty Images

Setting: After two unsuccessful campaigns in the 1924 and 1928 Olympic games, losing their final matches 3-0 to Uruguay and 11-2 to Argentina, respectively, the US rebounded in their opening match of the first World Cup.

Why it’s great: While the 3-0 win over Belgium wasn’t entirely eventful for Douglas, the Times would praise Douglas and the defensive unit, “the backs and goalie were unbeatable”. Perhaps most telling of his impact, when Douglas was removed in the semifinal matchup against Argentina due to an injury, the team would go on to lose 6-1. The Americans had a strong run in the tournament, finishing third, but it’s Douglas who holds the distinction of being in net for the first shutout in World Cup history.


Setting: One of the most important friendlies in US history. The US enters the game winless in Mexico in 24 matches. Fourteen months earlier, the US blew a 2-0 lead in the 2011 Gold Cup to lose 4-2 and Mexico's U23 team won the recent Olympic tournament. Things were not looking the US's way.

Why it's great: It’s a historic, first win at Azteca and Howard has two unreal saves at the end of the game. Yes, it was a friendly but the win helped propel the US to turn the tide against a largely favorable run for Mexico.


Setting: 1993 US Cup. America had come off a 2-0 loss to Brazil and turned around to play England in their second game.

Why it's great: Meola has the game of his life, shutting down England repeatedly. While the US finished third in the tournament, it was Meola who secured England’s last-place finish by saving goal after goal. The consequences aren’t severe from the win but as far as goal-saving performances go, this is at the top.


11. David Vanole vs. Costa Rica, 1989 World Cup Qualifier - The US’s 1986 World Cup qualifying ended at the hands of Costa Rica, losing 1-0 in Los Angeles. Four years later, the US is into the final round of qualifying riding on the momentum of topping Jamaica in the previous round and Mexico getting banned from qualifying by FIFA. Listen to head coach Bob Gansler and teammate John Harkes recount Vanole’s match-saving stop.

12. Hope Solo vs. Australia, 2015 World Cup - Early on, Solo was tested from just inside the 18 (5th minute) and again on a one-time volley (12th minute) but the Aussies were held at bay on both attempts. The game would be 1-1 at halftime before the US would open it up in the second half, winning 3-1. It was a mostly quiet second half but it easily could have been 3-1 the other way had it not been for some crucial stops from Solo.

13. Hope Solo vs. Brazil, 2011 World Cup Quarterfinal - After all the drama from the 2007 World Cup matchup against Brazil, it seems only fitting that Solo would have something to prove when the two teams went to penalties in the knockout round. While the US would lose to Japan in the final, Solo would finish the tournament with the Best Goalkeeper award.

14. Tony Meola vs. Colombia, 1994 World Cup - Meola’s best save of the match was unfortunately immediately followed by Colombia’s lone goal in a 2-1 win for the US. True to his nature, Meola did an excellent job of shutting down through balls into the box with his explosive speed, as well as handling some dangerous headers flicked on to frame. Meola’s involvement with the match wasn’t the most when you survey the field, but he was in net for the US’s first World Cup win since 1950, propelling them out of the group stage since 1930.

15. Tim Howard vs. England, 2010 World Cup - The last time the two played in the World Cup was in 1950 when the US won 1-0. While it wasn’t exactly the right start for the US in the night, Howard made sure there weren't any more goals after that. He would win Man of the Match and preserve the much-needed point that eventually put the US atop the group.

16. Briana Scurry vs. Brazil, 2004 Olympics Final - Scurry and the USWNT would need extra time in an eventual 2-1 win over the Brazilians but it was because of Scurry’s low saves and denial of an indirect kick in the box that kept her team in the gold medal match. 2004 would be Scurry’s last tournament run as the starting goalkeeper.

17. Hope Solo vs. Canada, 2012 Friendly - Watch quite possibly the best save by any US goalkeeper ever at 2:05 that earmarked Solo’s tenacious approach to being the number one for the USWNT.

18. Brad Friedel vs Mexico, 1996 US Cup - The 2-2 draw cemented Mexico’s gold medal finish in the short-lived tournament but Friedel showcases an amazing save in the 22nd minute and a clutch footsave in the 61st.

19. Briana Scurry vs. North Korea, 2003 World Cup - Scurry faced two looping shots under the crossbar that, if faced against another goalkeeper, they’re certainly goals. Of course, Scurry covers them with ease in a 2-0 group stage win.

20. Hope Solo vs. Japan, 2012 Olympic Final - The year before the US’s World Cup pursuit ended short in penalties to Japan in an emotional finale. Fast-forward a year and it’s the same two teams in the final, both going for an Olympic gold. With multiple high reflex saves, including a massive 1v1 stop near the end of the game, Solo led the US to the gold medal stage.

21. Hope Solo vs. France, 2011 World Cup Semifinal - The 3-1 win is a little deceiving as the US scored two goals late into the match, long after Solo made an important 1v1 save in the first half of the World Cup semifinal. It was a tightly contested battle that only opened up late into the match.

22. Tony Meola vs. Trinidad and Tobago, 1990 World Cup Qualifying - This game is largely remembered for a singular offensive moment but Meola made some crucial stops in the defensive third by coming off his line and shutting down attacks. This was the final game in WC qualifying, where the US gave up just three goals over the eight matches in the CONCACAF Championship.

23. Chris Seitz vs. Brazil U20s, 2007 U20 World Cup - Seitz weathers the storm, providing a number of saves throughout the match, including a big double save in the 86th minute. The win would be the springboard for the US to finish 7th at the U20 World Cup, one of its best finishes at the time.

24. Kasey Keller vs. New Zealand, 1999 Confederations Cup - Keller has two extension saves against New Zealand in their opening game of the 1999 Confederations Cup, helping the US win 2-1.

25. Kasey Keller vs. Iraq, 1989 U20 World Cup Quarterfinal - Keller was the anchor for the 1989 run, seeing the US finish fourth in the tournament. The US beat Iraq in the quarterfinals in extra time before falling short to Nigeria in the semifinal match. The team would unanimously support Keller’s outstanding play as well as see him earn praise from FIFA. Keller was awarded the Silver Ball, the tournament’s second-best player.

26. Tim Howard vs. Spain, 2009 Confederations Cup Semifinal - Howard snaps Spain's thirty-five game unbeaten streak with a shutout in the 2009 Confederations Cup. Howard would finish up the Confederations Cup by winning best goalkeeper of the tournament. Not a ton of involvement from the Evertonian but still a massive win in the end.

27. Brad Friedel vs. Mexico, 2002 World Cup - Not the most exciting 2-0 shutout but Friedel deals well with some dangerous high balls in the US’s most notable win ever over Mexico, setting up their best World Cup finish since 1930.

28. Alyssa Naeher vs. Canada, 2024 Gold Cup Semifinal - Following a disappointing foul in the box, Naeher responds by saving three penalties and netting her own in put the US in the final.

29. Kyle Campbell vs Italy U20s, 1991 U16 World Cup - Campbell and the US opened the U17 World Cup with a 1-0 win over Italy, after which Campbell would receive an award from Pele. The U17s would finish fifth in the tournament, losing in penalties to Qatar in the quarterfinals.

30. Brian Bailey vs. Brazil U16s, 1989 U16 World Cup - The Washington Post would praise Bailey’s efforts in the 1-0 win, as he “saved the victory eight minutes into the second half when he smothered a shot from the wide-open Marcio.”

31. Kasey Keller vs. Costa Rica, 2005 World Cup Qualifier - Keller builds off his 2006 campaign with some very nice saves in a 3-0 win.

32. Kasey Keller vs. Panama, 2005 World Cup Qualifier - Keller displays the rarely seen but always fantastic triple-save against Panama.

33. Josh Lambo vs Germany, 2007 U17 World Cup - The U20s stumbled into the round of 16 against the heavily favored German-side. The US lost 2-1 but Lambo would do his best to keep the US in the game, including a save in the second half (1:25 in video) that resulted in a handshake from the referee, according to Josh Lambo on the Goalkeeper Union podcast.

34. Brad Guzan vs. Mexico, 2013 World Cup Qualifier - Longtime back Brad Guzan fills in mightily for Howard when he's dealing with a back injury, earning a rare point at Azteca in WCQ. Guzan never looked overwhelmed and held his ground strong in situations that could have easily ended up with the ball in the net.

35. Kasey Keller vs. Mexico, 2001 World Cup Qualifier - It’s only the second of two losses included on this list but Keller stood on his head to keep the scoreline only at 1-0 for a World Cup qualifier in Mexico.

36. Tim Howard vs. Argentina, 2008 Friendly - The US is coming off of losses to England and Spain and heading into their first World Cup Qualifying, need some momentum. Howard rises to the challenge, stopping three 1v1s all in the first half.

37. DJ Countess vs. England, 1999 U20 World Cup - The U20s would end up losing in the knockout round 3-2 to Spain, the eventual champions, but Countess’ efforts in the opening rounds impressed many, including European scouts.

38. Brad Guzan v Panama, 2017 Gold Cup - A disappointing team-effort from the USMNT but Guzan manages to help salvage a point in the opening game of the 2017 Gold Cup with some quick reactions in a 1-1 tie.

39. Hope Solo vs. China PR, 2006 Friendly - Solo displays an incredible double save. Skip to 2:15 for the acrobatic display.

40. Marcus Hahnemann vs. Guatemala, 2005 World Cup Qualifier - Hahnemann earned nine caps for the national team, including this one here where the long-time Reading goalkeeper makes a couple nice saves against Guatemala for the 2006 World Cup Qualifying, including a top-notch save at 2:25

41. Matt Turner vs. England, 2022 World Cup - In a mostly uneventual outing, Turner helped preserve the US’s untarnished World Cup record against big brother England.

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Next Generation: The 24 Best U24 Goalkeepers

cover photo of Ionut Radu belongs to Gareth Copley/Getty Images

1. Unai Simón, Spain (Athletic Bilbao) - 22
2. Ionut Radu, Romania (Parma / Italy) - 22 ^
3. Catalin Cabuz, Romania (FC Viitorul) - 23
4. Alex Meret, Italy (Napoli) - 22
5. Arnaud Bodart, Belgium (Standard Liège) - 21
6. Stefano Gori, Italy (AC Pisa) - 23

^ - on loan from Inter Milan

One to Watch: Ionut Radu. Since 1970, Inter have only had nine different starting goalkeepers, usually sporting a national team starter more times than not. It’s an amazing run that is a product of identifying talent at a young age, which they seem to have done yet again with Radu. Although Radu has already been on four loans in his professional career, it’s no real surprise that his agent is calling him the “future of Inter”. Radu was tied to Arsenal last summer and West Ham this past winter window but realistically Radu has a massive price tag if a club is serious about poaching the young Romanian. Current Inter starter, Samir Handanovic, turns 36 this summer so don’t be surprised if Radu doesn’t spend next season on loan and starts working up the ladder with Inter.

7. Gianluigi Donnarumma, Italy (AC Milan) - 21
8. Noam Baumann, Switzerland (FC Lugano) - 23
9. Iñaki Peña, Spain (Barcelona) - 20
10. Álvaro Fernández, Spain (SD Huesca) - 21
11. Dominik Kotarski, Croatia (Ajax / Netherlands) - 20
12. Per Kristian Bratveit, Norway (Djurgardens / Sweden) - 24

One to Watch: Dominik Kotarski. It may not come as a surprise that Ajax is loaded with young talent, even at the goalkeeping position. Kotarski has been featured as the starter for Ajax’s reserve side, playing in the second division in the Netherlands. The young Croatian has a nice blend of balance, patience, and looking comfortable off his line, which fits in nicely with Ajax’s front-footed style of play. It’s hard to predict André Onana’s time left with Ajax, as the current starter has already been linked to Barcelona and Chelsea, but if Kotarski is given the starting spot, don’t expect a shift in the responsibilities with the position.

13. Maarten Paes, Netherlands (FC Utrecht) - 21
14. Luca Zidane, France (Racing Santander / Spain) - 21 ^
15. Andriy Lunin, Ukraine (Real Oviedo / Spain) - 21 ^
16. André Onana, Cameroon (Ajax / Netherlands) - 23
17. Nordin Jackers, Belgium (Waasland-Beveren) - 22 *
18. Rok Vodisek, Slovenia (Genoa / Italy) - 21

^ - on loan from Real Madrid
* - on loan from Genk

One to Watch: Luca Zidane. It’s hard to overstate Real Madrid’s grip on the world’s elite goalkeeping. After offloading Keylor Navas to make room for Thibaut Courtois and French international Alphonse Areola, their youth core is equally as impressive with Lunin and Zidane waiting in the wings. Although Zidane can look a little sloppy with form, he possesses an impeccable rhythm to the game, almost as if he’s been watching the sport since day one. He still has some time to develop into a potential starter for Real Madrid but whether it’s there or another club, Zidane will be on a much bigger stage, sooner or later.

19. Jasper Schendelaar, Netherlands (AZ Alkmaar) - 19
20. Javier Belman, Spain (Real Madrid) - 21
21. Lucas Dias, France (Nîmes Olympique) - 20
22. Manuel Roffo, Argentina (Boca Juniors) - 19
23. Justin Bijlow, Netherlands (Feyenoord) - 22
24. Aaron Ramsdale, England (Bournemouth) - 21

One to Watch: Aaron Ramsdale. It’s not an easy time to be at Bournemouth, as the English youth international is experiencing first hand. Facing down relegating, Ramsdale has conceded 42 goals in 27 matches, although it’s not for a lack of talent. Ramsdale isn’t as explosive as some of his peers but he never looks out of depth, rarely creating a mistake from inexperience. A relegation battle is taxing for any player, young or old, and depending on how events play out, it could very well impact Ramsdale’s future, both with career opportunities and confidence in net.