Overcoming a Goalkeeper's Worst Moment

Have you ever been curious how a professional goalkeeper overcomes their mistakes? Or do you have a story from your time as a goalkeeper that others would love to hear? Dive into the mental side of the game with this worldwide project open to all goalkeepers!

Yes, all goalkeepers, even you! Any player who has ever played the position is welcome to participate, regardless of age, ability, or prestige. Simply fill out the survey (six questions), leave a contact email, and your responses will be featured on Everybody Soccer. Here are some published interviews to see how professional goalkeepers overcame setbacks in their career:

Continue scrolling to the survey or click here to fill out the questions. (For mobile users, the link may be the better option.)

Thank you for taking time to partake in Everybody Soccer's "Reliving a Goalkeeper's Best and Worst Moments" survey. One of the core values to the "goalkeeper union" is being able to understand how difficult the position is for any goalkeeper you encounter, something outsiders likely do not understand.